Special Thanks!!
There would be no way for me to pull off this project without the generous help of all those who advised me on every aspect, including site selection, access to land, habitat considerations, technical aspects of constructing the boxes, and park and landowner approvals.
As you can tell from their biographical information below, these are accomplished and busy people, and I am so grateful for how generous these individuals were with their time.
Colin Mulligan, Ducks Unlimited, Host of Ducks Unlimited TV. Mr. Mulligan is the Host of Ducks Unlimited TV. Celebrating its 25th year anniversary, Ducks Unlimited TV stands as America's original and longest-running waterfowl series, serving as the primary outreach method for the world's most crucial conservation organization. Ducks Unlimited TV remains a vital force in wetland conservation, dedicating itself to preserving these critical ecosystems and ensuring a future filled with thriving waterfowl populations. Mr. Mulligan is also a Committee Member of Nation Youth and Education Committee of Ducks Unlimited. Focused on building strategic programs to introduce the next generation of outdoorsmen, the Nation Youth and Education Committee searches for programs to introduce non-traditional outdoorsmen while educating them on the importance of wetlands for tomorrow. Mr. Mulligan is advising me on the entire project, and also has secured landowner approvals for nesting box installations on private farmland in Weld County.
Safari Club International Denver Chapter (SCI Denver). SCI Denver is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization located in Denver, Colorado, and is the Denver-based chapter of Safari Club International (SCI). SCI has been a leader in promoting wildlife conservation for over 50 years. SCI Denver sponsored the service project by providing materials and supplies for construction of the nesting boxes.
Brandon Fien. Brandon is a filmmaker, photographer, editor and outdoorsman who has helped document the project and also has helped advise me on site locations. Brandon is tremendously knowledgeable about wood ducks and their nesting behavior, and he has also taken some of the most stunning wood duck photos I have ever seen. Many of the project photos on this project website were Brandon’s work. Here is his website: Brandon Fien (smugmug.com).
Victoria Vargas-Madrid, Education and Wildlife Program Manager, Denver City Parks & Recreation. Ms. Vargas-Madrid has been the Education & Wildlife Program Administrator for Denver Parks and Rec for 9 years. She previously worked as District Wildlife Manager for an impressive 33 years. She received her bachelors in wildlife science from Metropolitan State University. She works on maintaining the parks of Denver to preserve the health and safety of its wildlife. Ms. Vargas-Madrid is advising me on site selection for Denver City Parks locations, and is securing approvals for nesting box installations from Parks managers.
Leia Simelton, Education and Outreach Coordinator, Denver City Parks & Recreation. Ms. Simelton currently works as the Education and Outreach Coordinator for Denver Parks and Recreation. Previously, she worked for 8 years as the Education Programs Coordinator at the Houston Zoo. She has a Bachelors in Animal Sciences at Tuskegee University as well as a Masters of Teaching and Biology at Miami University. Ms. Simelton is advising me on site selection for Denver City Parks locations.
James Gammonley, Avion Researcher Leader for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Mr. Gammonley works for Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division, as Aviation Research Leader, specifically on ecology and management of waterfowl and birds that reside in wetlands. He has a Ph.D. for Wildlife and Fisheries Biology from the University of Missouri. Mr. Gammonley is advising me on site selection for CPW locations.
Michelle Seubert, Park Manager at Cherry Creek State Park. Ms. Seubert has served as the Park Manager of Cherry Creek State Park since November of 2003, and prior to that she served for over 15 years as the Park Manager of Barr Lake State Park. Ms. Seubert is the Co-Chair Education Coordinator for Pheasants Forever, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Greater Brighton Chamber of Commerce. She was awarded the Citizen of the Year by the City of Brighton Chamber of Commerce in January 2018, and Rangers of the Year by Colorado Parks & Wildlife in October 2012.
Project Volunteers. The individuals listed below took time out of their busy lives to help me with various phases of this project, and I am grateful for it:
Brady Mulligan. Brady is Colin’s brother, and he volunteered to join us on the day we installed the first 5 nesting boxes in Weld County, CO. He is a hunting guide and is knowledgeable about all things related to birds and their behavior.
Sean Mulligan. Sean generously gave us access to his land and made himself available to Colin and Brady for scheduling the nesting box installations.
Conor Michaud. Conor is an Open Space Technician for Denver Parks & Recreation. He accompanied us on the installations for the 3 nesting boxes in Denver, and advised us on nesting site locations.
Kylie Alstrup. Kylie reviewed all my project materials, and made the case to the SCI Denver Board of Directors to sponsor my project by providing materials and supplies for the nesting boxes.
Georgia Kleinheksel. Ms. Kleinheksel has advised countless Scouts on their Eagle Scout Service Projects and and their path to Eagle Scout, and was involved in this project from the beginning, including project selection. When selecting the project, Georgia asked if me this project “would fly?,” which I thought was funny.
Jack Kleinheksel. Mr. Kleinheksel has advised countless Scouts on their Eagle Scout Service Projects and their path to Eagle Scout, and was involved in this project from the beginning, including project selection.
Kevin Koalenz. Kevin is the Troop 199 Scoutmaster, which he has done for years on a volunteer basis. I have known him since the 5th Grade, and I was thrilled when he showed up to volunteer. Kevin operated a few workstations, including making the lumber cuts with the miter saw, assembling the boxes and adding the conduit piping poles to the boxes.
Gordon Bell. Mr. Bell is on the Troop 199 Technical Committee and advised me on the box construction and installations.
Susan Bell. Ms. Bell is on the Troop 199 Technical Committee and advised me on the box construction and installations.
David Richmond. Mr. Bell is on the Troop 199 Technical Committee and advised me on the box construction and installations.
Ross Sinclair. Mr. Bell is on the Troop 199 Technical Committee and advised me on the box construction and installations.
Brad Tomecek. Mr. Tomecek is on the Troop 199 Technical Committee and advised me on the box construction and installations. He is an architect, and made the suggestion that we use metal brackets to support the wood floor, to add additional support for the weight of the nest and the ducks, which is an enhancement to the Ducks Unlimited design.
Emily and Alec Garnett. Mr. and Mrs. Garnett helped me find the contacts for the installations on public land.
Jeff Beunier. Mr. Bunier volunteered by operating a number of workstations in box construction, including the jigsaw to cut out the entry holes on the front panel and box assembly.
Leslie Beunier. Ms. Bunier volunteered by operating a number of workstations in box construction, including box assembly.
Beth Elliott. Mom has helped with all phases of the project, and also served as our First Aid officer during the construction phase of the project.
Andrew Elliott. Dad has helped with all phases of the project.
Noah Shurz. Noah volunteered by operating a number of workstations in box construction, in particular the assembly of all the predator guards.
William Holloway. Will volunteered by operating a number of workstations in box construction, in particular the assembly of all the predator guards. Will was also my Safety Officer for the box construction phase.
Preston Beunier. Preston volunteered by operating a number of workstations in box construction, and in particular was responsible for the most critical box assembly phase which was the attachment of the floor, side and front panels.
Remi Beunier. Remi volunteered by assisting in box construction, and was in charge (with Abby and Colin) for measuring, cutting and stapling the wire mesh ladders so the fledgling ducks can exit the box.
Colin Kiernan. Colin volunteered by assisting in box construction, and was in charge (with Abby and Remi) for measuring, cutting and stapling the wire mesh ladders so the fledgling ducks can exit the box. Colin also worked at the workstation for measuring the lumber panels for cuts and pilot holes.
Joe Elliott. Joe volunteerd by assisting with box construction, and also installation of nesting boxes at all 7 public sites. Joe was in charge of quality control during box construction, making sure the cuts and pilot holes were in the right places.
Abby Elliott. Abby volunteered by assisting in box construction, and was in charge (with Colin and Remi) for measuring, cutting and stapling the wire mesh ladders so the fledgling ducks can exit the box.